TDAP Mandate
- To recommend to the TDAP Board, a national policy for maximizing exports of goods and services from Pakistan and after approval of the Federal Government to develop strategy and plans within the policy framework given by the Board.
- To develop a consistent, sustainable and result oriented, holistic export development plan, outlining vision, objectives, strategies and plan as approved by the Board.
- To achieve synergy in development of exports at a national level by forging effective liaison with private and public stakeholders and avoiding duplication of efforts.
- To encourage and promote research in trade and policy related studies that may facilitate in formulating an effective export policy and plans.
- To plan, organize exhibitions, delegations to and from Pakistan.
- To plan and organize local, international and inter-provincial export promotional conferences, workshops, seminars etc.
- To plan and organize foreign trade promotion through advertising in local, and international print electronic and other appropriate media.
- To liaise with trade bodies abroad.
- To encourage and reward leading exporters from Pakistan through recognition and rewards, initiatives and incentives etc. Including making recommendations to the Federal Government for export awards including civil awards.
- To promote export sectors where separate sectoral boards / bodies currently exist or will be formed in the future, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force.
- To examine supply chains of strategic export sectors and develop plans and initiatives for strengthening supply base including exporters’ capabilities and capacities.
- To sensitise and co-ordinate through Ministry of Commerce, with concerned Ministries, Divisions and Departments for the development of sectoral road maps.
- To monitor progress against these plans for information of the Board.
- To coordinate through Ministry of Commerce, with the Federal and Provincial Governments and related organizations for a concerted supply chain initiative.
- to provide visa assistance to outgoing or incoming businessmen whether Pakistani or foreign nationals, in co-ordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign Missions in Pakistan.
- to encourage, establish and manage where appropriate export development centers, business support units, display centers and facilities, and information centers, and exporters training institutes etc.
- To promote exporters and stakeholders’ education and training of intermediaries of export related supply chain.
- To encourage the organized development of the export business and the related corporate and commercial sectors in Pakistan.
- To facilitate the availability of finance to exporters, export oriented small and medium enterprises, risk management of exporters and international buyers, energy and infrastructure needs of exporters and related industrial areas and zones, quality management, social, environmental and security needs and generally all aspects of export facilitation etc.
- To encourage and promote human resource development in the export sectors.
- To encourage and promote and train new exporters.
- To promote export skill development initiatives and related matters including training initiatives and institutes.
- To coordinate through Ministry of Commerce with Federal and provincial Government agencies and organizations with a view to achieving synergies thereby minimizing duplication of effort.
- To pursue with respective stakeholders the development of policies, regulations and standards for the export of goods and services.
- To provide advisory support to stakeholders.
- To be responsible for all matters related to trade development and promotion by Commercial Officers posted in Pakistani Missions abroad. This shall include the training, trade targets, monitoring, and performance evaluation against these trade targets. The Chief Executive of the Authority shall be a member of the committee for selection of the Commercial Officers to be posted abroad.
- To prepare and seek Board’s approval of the annual budget.
- To manage funds available to the Authority in accordance with rules and regulations approved by the Board. to make rules for the conduct of the Authority with approval of the Board.
- To make rules for conduct of the Authority with approval of the Board including rules for the management of –
- Human resources, including appointments, remuneration, appraisals, resignations, allowance, incentives etc. of all employees.
- Income and expenses.
- Procurement of goods and services.
- Administrative and financial authority policies and delegation thereof. and
- Employee welfare funds and initiatives.
- To have the administrative control of warehouses and other trade development entities owned by the Authority in Pakistan and abroad.
- To establish its own stationary and supplies and printing sources independent of the Printing Corporation of Pakistan.
- To export Archives of the Authority.
- To use the training institutions, corporate entities and facilities etc. established by the Authority for export development purposes.
- To secure custody and preservation of all documents submitted to and emanating from the Authorities
- To set up National, Provincial and Sectoral trade committees.
- To implement directives of the Federal Government and the Board relating to export development and promotion.
- To prepare Annual Report of the Authority.
- To consider other matters referred to the Authority by the Federal, a Provincial Government, a Division or a Department.
- To consider and suggest reforms of the laws, rules and regulations relating to exports.
- To perform such functions and exercise such powers under this act or any other law for the time being in force as may, after the commencement of this act, be delegated to it by the Federal Government and exercising any power or performing any functions conferred on it by or under any other law for time being in force.
- To inculcate a quality assured ethic in exporters while encouraging value addition of exports.
- To take, initiatives for maintaining facilities etc. to improve the performance of exporters in the interest of generating economic activity, reducing cost of doing business and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
- To maintain the confidence of exporters by appropriate communications.
- To receive, process and store, efficiently and quickly, the documents lodge with, and the information given to it under this Act.
- To ensure that the documents and information referred to in clause (xiv) are available as soon as possible for access by the public.
- To improve existing methods and devise new options for the expeditious settlement of claims and disputes between exporters and their buyers.
- To promote the establishment and development of professional, educational and training organizations connected with exports with a view to improving the management of export business. and
- To promote awareness among exporters and buyers and all relevant stakeholders with respect to the benefits of exports and services of the Authority and general policies of the Federal Government.